Travel to Our Center

California IVF Fertility Center entrance to Sacramento Tubal Reversal Surgery Near Me
Driving Directions

We are located in Sacramento California near I-5 and I-80

Travel By Air

Sacramento International Airport (SMF) is located 10 miles away

Hotels Nearby

There are multiple options for hotels near our fertility center


Use the information below to get GPS directions. We are located in Sacramento near I-5 and I-80. We have on-site parking and multiple nearby hotels. Surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, but many people traveling from outside the area prefer to stay near our center after surgery.


2590 Venture Oaks Way,

Suite 102 & 103

 Sacramento CA 95833


+1 (530) 771 0177

+1 (530) 771 0135

Local Airport

California IVF Fertility Center is located 10 miles from Sacramento International Airport (SMF). SMF is a relatively easy and efficient airport with on-site rental cars and very good ride sharing coverage. A few of the local hotels offer shuttle service to and from the airport. San Francisco International Airport (SFO) and Oakland International Airport (OAK) also serve Northern California, though long distance shuttle services or a rental car would be recommended.

Accommodations Near Our Surgery Center

We have multiple hotels near our tubal reversal surgery center. If you are travelling from outside the local area, you may wish to make a reservation for the evening of your surgery. There are also many places to eat nearby and several food delivery services to make your stay more convenient.